October 2024
Sat, 09 Nov 2024 00:00

October 2024 newsletter.
Members are reminded that their guests should pay a guest fee (£7) preferably on line at the time of booking.
We are also in the process of doing a deep audit of all memberships and would appreciate members checking their details are uptodate.
Community - Thank you for all the donations of bras to support Peony Breast Charity at prince of Wales Hospital Llanelli. Heulwen.
Thank you for donations of nearly new kit which has raised over £200 for the club.
Social Events -
Ready for Christmas
Make a space in your busy diaries for our CHRISTMAS PARTY - To be held Saturday December 14th, to include an American tennis doubles tournament, a squash tournament, music, buffet and a raffle. Further details to follow but please keep the date.
Tuesday night social tennis 18:15 - 19:45 every Tuesday.
Tuesday evening goes from strength to strength. Has been great to see lots of new faces recently too. Just to let you all know, we are returning to having a steward for the session.
In discussing the way forward for a Tuesday evening, with such big numbers attending, one important point raised is that everyone who attends the sessions needs to take a turn at stewarding, it’s only fair, I hope you agree. If you initially need support in doing the stewarding just let one of the regulars know (Martin Sheppard/ Peter King / myself Kerry) and we will make sure you are able to manage the session.
We are discussing ways to make the use of the lights easier so it doesn’t all fall on the steward. Any suggestions, let me know.
Please also remember to sign yourself in for the session, let us know on the list, what type of membership you have (full adult/ student/ pay & play) and for these dark winter months, pay your £2 towards the lights.
I will pull a rota together in the next week and will share it on the what’s app group and by email.
Look forward to seeing you all on court. Thank you for your cooperation and the continued support in making the sessions such good fun.
Tennis event May Bank Holiday Swansea seniors open tennis tournament. May 4th-6th. Further information to follow.
Club Merchandise
Getting ready for Christmas. The Club merchandise is available to order . Please contact Wendy or Mike Woozley for details .
T shirts / Vests /Shorts / Skorts / Rain Jackets and Hoodies all available and modelled by our team players. PS: You do not need to be a team player to wear the kit. !!!
Growing Links with the University.
As another academic year gets under way we welcome in a new set of students. Many of whom are just taking up the sports we offer, others are fully integrated into our competitive structure.
Luca Middleton and Matthew Lightbody are the respective University Squash and Tennis presidents. Both encourage competitive and social play amongst the students.
Over the past few years our relationship with the University has boomed and more so now as the University has closed their squash courts. The students have agreed access to court time and in return the University Grounds team undertake an immense amount of maintenance on our tennis courts and grounds brushing the courts mechanically, emptying & recycling all our external waste, mowing , strimming, cutting and weeding the grounds.
Thank you to Peter King and his band of volunteers who have been mending the net posts.
WGO 2024 - David Allnatt.
The relaunch of the West Glamorgan tournament was a success with 40 entries and over 60 matches played across 3 days. It was well supported by our club members with a few tasting success and a brush of controversy with the official squash Wales markers.
The winner of the A Event was our very own Daniel Anderson who received the winning shield from Iwan Hughes accompanied by Steve Colarusso and Archie Chatwin who played out an incredible 5 set thriller for 3rd and 4th position, sneaked by young Archie
B draw final was contested between Swansea Justin Nemeth and Ian Fenner Evans and in a very close encounter Ian Fenner-Evans came out on top, we will not invite him back next year, below he is being awarded the trophy by tournament organiser Dan Anderson:
The C draw saw the battle of the lefties with John Turner taking on Iwan Hughes, in this feisty encounter, Iwan Hughes battled through with a tight win to claim the title, Shield was presented by tournament organiser Rhodri Hughes:
The D draw was contested between Freddi and Simon Norris, Freddie powered his way through to claim the shield presented by Justin Nemeth tournament organiser:
The E draw was won by Ben Hughes who staged a remarkable comeback from 2-0 down to beat James Jones, shield presented by Cam White tournament organiser;
WGO will be back in 2025 and we hope to build on the initial success, I big thank you to Bev Wadling for providing catering for the players and spectators, Justin and his staff and finally to Rhodri Hughes for all the hard work behind the scenes that most people are not aware of, and without we would not of been able to put on such an event.
A massive congratulations to Dan Anderson and Steve Colarusso who played in this event recently and really made it a home event by both reaching the final of the O35’s, with Dan coming out on top in the final. Fantastic representation of our players on an international stage, well done both.