
Feb 2025 Newsletter

February 2025 newsletter 


AGM April 28th 2025.

Tennis Repairs.

The storm damaged fences on courts 123 are expected to be fixed by Ark Fencing between Monday 17 March and Friday 21 March and these courts will be closed for maintenance and bookings for these dates

It's about 11 posts and 1.3 tonnes or so of chain link being replaced - not a 10 minute job.

Matches etc  will be moved onto the lower courts 456 during these 5 days

While the courts are closed a volunteer group will seek to get all the leaning net posts on courts 123 upright, and in addition 2 of the steel headlines/net cords will be replaced so we don't get fallen nets like a week or two ago

It makes sense to do this while the courts are out of use, and the plan is for a total of just one or two sessions of a couple of hours during these 5 days

It's light work - no shovels!

If you think you can help please contact Peter King and indicate which days/times suit you best - it will be really appreciated

We might run a group on Tuesday evening when folk are normally at the Club for Club Night?

Courts will be reinstated if work finishes ahead of schedule- Members will be informed. 

Thanks for bearing with us.       Peter 

Forthcoming events 

7th March - 

Squash Fitness 6.15-7.15 8 spaces. Contact David Allnatt - Followed by Mix in night Run by Martyn & Jerry. All welcome. 

29th March - Squash championships Finals day 

19th April 2-4 pm

.Saturday Easter social charity tennis tournament -   American doubles. Link to follow for entries. 

28th April AGM 

Swansea Seniors Open 2025 2 – 5th May 2025 

Feast of Seniors Tennis for 35.45.55 + 65 Age groups Men’s and Ladies Singles and Doubles The Jim Lightbody Memorial Mixed Doubles                                                                                                                                  A 10 point Tie break event for Teams with a combined age of 95

Friday 30th May 

French Open Theme Tennis event (5.30) followed by Wine tasting 7.30  tickets £20 to include tasting wines and canapés. Tickets available from behind the bar. 

September 5th -7th 2025 - Torquay visit -

We are once again running a club trip to Torquay for the weekend 5th 6th 7th September 2025. As all who attended in 2023 will testify, we had a really warm welcome from Torquay lawn tennis club and an amazing weekend of playing tennis and a fun social time. It doesn't have to be a definite decision at this stage, just to show an interest.

Interested in coming?  please let Marc Lloyd Evans know on +44 7798 721662


Rhodri lloyd - on completing his level 2 tennis coaching qualification

Phil Regan Level 2 Squash Coach 

Ben Hardwidge - joining the Squash coaching team and currently completing his level 2 .

David Williams -Shortlisted finalist in Tennis Wales Coach of the Year and Llandybie Tennis Club, which he has been working with since April, was awarded Club of the Year! A fantastic achievement 


Friday 7th March - Squash Fit (£5) run by Phil Regan followed by Mix in Night 

Sunday 9th March - Junior sessions run by Ben Hardwidge for 3 weeks  £20

10 am  8-10 yrs

1045 10 - 12 yrs

1130-12.15 12-14 yrs. 

Contact David Allnatt for details 

School visits - 55 pupils from Mayals and Oystermouth  visited the club and completed the Squash in Schools level 1 award and hopefully will be back to complete Level 2 next term. Thanks to Ben Hardwidge & Squash wales. 


Summer League Tennis

The level of our teams continues to improve and interest in playing competitive league tennis grows. Swansea Tennis + Squash Club have entered the following teams into the South Wales Summer Doubles Leagues. This is the maximum we can realistically accommodate at the present time.                                                                                                                                                                 Adults 9 Teams:   4 Men’s and 4 Ladies Teams, 1 60 + Mixed Doubles                                                        Juniors 9 Teams:  11,12,14,18u Boys, 14. 18u Girls, Mixed 8,9,10u 

Men’s 1 Promoted as winners to Premier 2, Men’s 3rd and 4th Teams Promoted as winners.                                                  Ladies 3 Promoted as winners while our Ladies 1, 2 remain in Premier 1 + 2 respectively.                                                A 4th ladies team has been entered for the first time this year.                                                                                                         Any members interested in playing competitive league tennis please contact us through the club email:; or speak to Head Coach Dai Williams.                                                      For those who have played previously our captains will be in touch to confirm availability over the next few weeks to establish squads for each team. 

Summer 2025 Captains:

Men’s 1

Jon Jenkins

Ladiess 1

Jenny Burrows

Men’s 2 

Rory File

Ladies 2

Michelle Walker

Men’s 3

Mike Woozley + Max Tew

Ladies 3

Angela Gisby


James Williams

Ladies 4

Stephanie Nemeth

Mixed 60+ 

Netti Roberts



One men’s and one ladies team has been entered into the National club League and any members interested in this please contact through the above channels. 

Courts 7, 8, + 9 Planned Refurbishment                                                                                                                                              Paperwork has been prepared, and our application remains ready for submission as soon as the fund reopens. (likely to be April 2025) We have a strong application and the full support of Tennis Wales. The delay is due to the high demand for emergency support and high number of applications. The club is fully committed to refurbishing courts 7, 8, + 9 and sincerely hope to have a refurbished playing surface before the end of the year.  Ellinore

Ball machine is mended and available for booking. 

Lost property - will be removed next week - Judy 

Thank you to volunteers 

Helping with tennis repairs

Spring gardening to ensure grounds have a splash of colour over the coming months.

All captains for their work 

Those behind the scenes helping with all the team's admin.

Management Committee

Chair:- Wendy Norris

Secretary :- David Seal 

Directors: Howard Jones / Kerry Bowen-James / Elinore Lightbody 

Committee David Williams /Tyrone Davies /Jenny Burrows /David Allnatt / Justin Nemeth.