
August 2021 Newsletter

August Newsletter


Welcome to August’s edition of the newsletter. 

September 18th Opening Event
There are now less than 4 weeks to our Opening Event, celebrating the completion of the projects to refurbish our tennis courts, install LED lighting in the squash courts and, of course, the transformed clubhouse 

A number of distinguished guests will be attending the event including Senedd Minister Julie James, Rob Stewart, Leader of Swansea Council, The President and Chief Executive of Tennis Wales, and representatives from Squash Wales. Representatives from Sport Wales and Admiral Insurance, who have helped fund the projects will also be attending

If anyone is able to help with providing sandwiches and cakes on the day, please email Wendy on by Saturday 28th August

Tickets for the wine tasting event selling quickly. If you wish to attend, please buy online via the ClubSpark events page, or at the bar. The event is open to guests of members 


September 4th Volunteers Day
Thank you to the members who have kindly volunteered to help up prepare the club for the opening event. It is not too late to volunteer, please email if you are able to join us; there is no shortage of jobs to be done!! Bacon butties and tea / coffee will be provided

Bringing Guests to the Club
Just a reminder that if a member brings a guest to the club, there is a charge, payable at the time of booking. Please ensure you add the guest name to the booking sheet and pay the fee

Tennis Light Cards

As we still have a long “to do” list of club improvements, we have made the decision to continue using tennis light cards


A few other reminders…..


WC facilities - there are additional WC facilities in both changing rooms as well the downstairs toilets


Saturday morning bar opening - back to opening at 10 am in September for teas, coffees and delicious bacon butties

Indoor Seating - please change / shower before using indoor soft seating.

Court cancellations are free - please ensure you cancel a court, which you are unable to use, as soon as possible. This allows other members to use the court

Donations of empty Slazenger Wimbledon tennis tins to the bar would be appreciated. Project underway! Used tennis balls can be donated in the boxes in and under the bar. 


Brushing the Squash Courts

Brushes are available behind court No 1 if required


Booking Courts

Please add the name of your opponent to the booking sheet when you make the booking, or as soon as confirmed