
August 2023 Newsletter

August 2023 Newsletter 

Sponsorship:  Anyone wishing to contribute to the club via sponsorship please drop us an email,  We are currently looking at new STSC sports wear for the forthcoming season. Thanks to those already on board. Willows dental practice / Howarth decorators / Swansea Building Society / Evolve Physiotherapy/Ace tennis 

Tennis  News 

Fantastic Summer season for our tennis teams. Thanks to all captains for a job very well done.


Mens 1st 2nd Div 1 West Captain Jon Jenkins -The team are into the East v West league play - off for promotion to Premier 2.

Swansea Men’s 1st play Cardiff LTC at 1.00pm Cardiff Castle on Saturday 9th September.

Mens 2nd Captain Paul Fardy 6th Div 1 West

Mens 3rd Captain   Rory File 2nd Div 10 

Ladies 1st Captain Jenny Burrows Premier 1 Runners Up 

Ladies 2nd Captain Michelle Walker top Div 1 West. The team are into play - off for promotion to Premier 2 v  Whitchurch at Home  1.00pm  Sunday 17th September

Ladies 3rd Captain Angela Gisby Top Div 8 East Promoted

A lot of play off action - all support welcome!

An outstanding season will be celebrated with a team meal on 16th September.

Thanks to everyone who represented the club 

Congratulations to the following players at the Welsh National Championships:

Welsh Championships - Individual success including a HAT TRICK OF TITLES for Tesni Metcalf

Tesni and Michelle 35+ doubles champions

Tesni 35+ singles champion

Jenny Mcadie 45+ singles finalist 

Jenny Mcadie 45+ doubles champion

Dave Allnatt 35+ finalist

Tesni and Dave Allnatt 35+ mixed doubles champions

September 18 - 22nd Tennis Courts 4,5,& 6 will be cleaned and resanded, improving drainage, as well as the playing surface. Interim arrangements below. Thanks to Peter King for tireless work leading on this project. Full details are explained  below. 

Another hugely successful period of Summer Camps superbly run by Dai and his coaching team. Players aged 3 - 18 participated throughout the holidays.

Squash News 

Squash Courts at University have been closed and STSC is now the centre for all Swansea University Squash.  Students should all be individual members of the club and as members of the SU squash club sessions on a Monday night and Saturday morning. All their BUCs matches are played on Wednesday afternoons. 

STSC Squash team Matches for the winter season start on 12th September. Home nights are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays - always good entertainment. 

Junior Squash 

Squash Wales held a Summer of Squash coaching sessions  which saw many juniors new to the club taking coaching sessions led by Jenny Burrows and moving into more regular coaching sessions . Any juniors wishing to have coaching please contact Jenny 


Bank Holiday weekend 

The Club provided an excellent venue for a surprise party for Ian Howarth’s big birthday . Happy Birthday Ian! 

Also a  fun tournament ‘Rhythm and Rackets’ was held on Bank Holiday Monday. It was a first of its kind to try out new ideas for members and their family and friends. It was good to have the support of many members whilst welcoming some new guests too. Thank you to Nige and James for their help. 

If any member has some suggestions that we can take forward to other events, please let me know on 07825 740395, thank you Kerry 

Thursday September 14th at 7pm. 

For September we have a gathering to wish our lovely Jo Price good wishes on her move to LA … all members welcome.

Saturday 16th September

Not forgetting of course, the club championships come to an end with the tennis finals day. What a great event this has been. Well done to all competing and to David Williams for superb organisation.  Further information to follow. 

Sunday October 1st 2-4 pm.

In October we have the Marie Curie fundraiser event, run by Heulwen. There are still 5 spaces left. Contact Heulwen on 07503 219961 if you’d like to enter. 

October 31st

Halloween night, our social tennis session will become a little scary… or scarier than usual for one night only !! fancy dress please 6.15 pm 

Thank you to …. 

R F clearing up fly tipping rubbish 

IJ  - regular  litter picking (additional volunteers welcome) 

All those who steward on Tuesday evenings to enable large numbers of members and esp new members to participate in our social session. 

PK/JG work behind the scenes on Courts 4,5 & 6 quotes 

L Hyde / I H for repairs to squash floors

All who help keep the beautiful flower bed blooming. 

Dave Seal & family for donating a table tennis table. 

Lost property There is a large collection of lost property accumulating in the club house.

All clothing / water bottles will be put out in the rear room on Mon 4th until Mon 11th and then disposed of. Valuables (sunglasses  keys, jewellery) will be stored behind the bar. 

Any specific  missing items  please contact us at 

Good News! Refurbishment of Tennis Court 4,5,& 6

Letter from P King

As you know we have had worsening problems with the surface of tennis courts 4,5,6 which is caused by compaction of the sand infill causing poor drainage, large, long-lasting puddles and leading to the growth of slippery algae and mould – fed by leaves and tree sap dropping on the courts.

The courts remain unplayable for long periods after even a small amount of rain and this process will improve drainage and increase playing time.

Technical Services will start the work on Monday 18th September with completion on Friday 22nd September meaning courts 4,5,6 will be out of action for this period.

We hope this will also improve the surface and give us a further 5 + years out of the ‘carpet’ before a full refurbishment is needed.

Interim Arrangements

Our court capacity during this period is unaffected as club members can book courts at the University. While slightly less convenient (in that it is a 5-minute walk) the courts marked 4,5,6 are available to book through the STSC Clubspark court booking system in the usual way.

Dave will deliver much of the coaching programme at the university allowing the organised club sessions to take place on courts 1,2,3 which are unaffected. Bookings have been amended to reflect this.

Members can book courts in the usual way.

Bookings made for 1,2,3 are on the club clay courts as usual.

Bookings made for 4,5,6 are on the University courts numbered 4,5,6.

Please note there are no floodlights on the university courts.

We thank you all for your cooperation and patience during the work, a short-term inconvenience that will improve the quality once the work is complete. Enjoy your tennis.