
Four Winners in the Isle of Man LTA Tennis Awards

Currently in their sixth year, the LTA Tennis Awards celebrate the achievements made by outstanding tennis volunteers, coaches, officials, venues and players in Britain.

There are 12 grassroots categories in total, including ‘Young Person of the Year’, ‘Development Coach of the Year’ and ‘Club of the Year’.

Pat Sharp was the Isle of Man County Winner in the Lifetime Achievement Award. Pat, from Albany LTC was nominated by Bryan Sharp (President of Albany LTC) and David Long (Chairman of Albany LTC) in recognition of the outstanding work that Pat has done for tennis, not only at Albany LTC, but also for Island tennis.

David said: “Pat has a rare ability to bring people together and make things happen. She is determined and persistent, vital qualities when it comes to lobbying government, raising money and galvanising support.

Pat has been at the forefront of tennis development in the Isle of Man for nearly 60 years at Albany, the IOM Sport Council and the IOMLTA.

But the future of tennis, for Pat, was always about the junior’s and helping them discover a lifetime of enjoyment in tennis both on and off the court – a legacy she can be extremely proud of.”

Photo: David Long (Albany LTC Chairman & Jackie Russell (IOM LTA Secretary) presenting Pat Sharp with her County Lifetime Achievement Award.

Brian Walton was the Isle of Man County Winner in the Volunteer of the Year Award.  Brian, Chairman of the IOM LTA, was nominated by Richard Simpson (Chairman of Ramsey TC) “Brian's primary strengths are his ability to listen, understand and tailor a fair and equitable solution. Brian must do a huge amount of background reading as at nearly all the meetings he will raise specific queries in relation to matters that are not his specific responsibility, most noticeably on the ever evolving safeguarding rules.”

Photo: Richard Simpson (Ramsey TC Chairman) presenting Brian Walton with his County Volunteer of the Year Award.

Sean Dewry was one of two winners in the Coach of the Year - Development category.  Sean, from Ramsey TC was nominated by Rob Comber (IOM LTA Tennis Development Officer)  “Sean is a very positive person which is very infectious to all that he has contact with, his professionalism and enthusiasm is second to none.  Sean has supported the development of tennis on the island with helping deliver the Manx Youth Games sessions, the Zurich Junior Tennis Programme which is a project that brings tennis in to the school curriculum so that all 6-7 year old children can experience playing the fun game of tennis.”

Photo: Sean Drewry with his County Coach of the Year – Development Award.

Neil Ronan was also a winner in the Coach of the Year - Development category.  Neil, from Castletown LTC was nominated by Chris Butler (Chairman of Castletown LTC)  “Neil, despite the challenges 2020 brought us has delivered a full programme of coaching not only at club level but also at IOM level where he organised the annual vets tournament in such a cut down season.”

Photo: Neil Ronan with his County Coach of the Year – Development Award.

Pat, Brian, Sean and Neil are part of over 2,000 award nominations submitted across Britain, and along with all other county LTA Tennis Award winners, they will now be considered for a Regional Award, and if successful, will be in contention to be crowned an LTA Tennis Award winner in July.