Club news



It's not often your roving reporter makes it to Div 23 West of the Surrey League but Promotion was at stake as the Thames Ditton 4th Team played Oxshott 4th team on a pleasant Sunday morning at the Oxshott Sports Club, home to such luminaries as Jeremy Bates. Both pairs were a set up when your reporter turned up, but there appeared to be an internal game of "see who can hit the back netting on the full with the maximum force" going on.  The phrase subtle, tactical clay-court doubles did not immediately spring to mind.  This may have been a concerted effort to practice their Champions Tie Breaks as after proceeding to lose the second sets in both matches, two competent CTBs were played to secure both ties.  Matt Stevenson and Will Sharp then knuckled down to beat the second Oxshott pair 6-2 6-2 whilst Jezza Suckling and Jamie Glancy continued to blow hot and cold before wrapping up another CTB in convincing fashion.  So 4-0 on the day, 11-1 in rubbers overall and as two teams have withdrawn from the league (I hear that their back fencing is not high enough) its a case of Div 21 here we come. Well played lads and don't get carried away over the summer break.  Congratulations also to organiser and mentor-in-chief Luke Steel who has sent countless texts organising this rabble to practice on a Thursday evening and learn a thing or two (though plenty more to come) from the First Team squad.