What is the booking app?
Once you create an LTA Membership and sign up to clubspark
This is the link for the app to book courts. Although it’s best to book courts through the main website as the app unfortunately doesn’t have the facility yet to add participants
Will the membership give me unlimited free courts?
members can book a maximum of 6 hours per week. This was introduced during C-19 restrictions to ensure all our members got a chance to use the courts. Obviously if you play with another member who books the court this doesn’t impact on your allowance. Now that the restrictions are easing this will be reviewed but this scheme works well to prevent members booking courts and then not turning up. If you need more court time just us know and we can arrange if there is availability
Will I have to pay to bring a non-member guest?
We will be allowing members to bring a guest from September 1st. The cost is £5 per guest payable when booking the court and they can visit a maximum of 3 times per year
Are there times when I won't be able to book a court?
Courts are available from 8am til dusk. Court 3 has floodlights available on Monday Wednesday and Friday when not required for coaching
When are club socials / coaching ?
All our social sessions, team practices and coaching are listed on our weekly sessions page - TheydonBoisLawnTennisClub/Weeklysessions
Is there a club night - does this cost extra?
All the information re the club night and social sessions are on the website under weekly sessions and coaching. No charge for social sessions
I want to play a friend regularly, would they need a full member too?
Yes- for all our membership options please see our membership packages where you can join and find out more information about what membership options we have to offer -