
Introducing Quad Squads

The LTA have issued guidance that tennis can continue during this outbreak of Covid-19, but with some stringent precautions around hygiene and social distancing.

The physical and mental well-being of our young players is hugely important, and in an environment where there is lots of confusion, we want to try and keep tennis available and some sense or normality.

However, I feel strongly personally that we must do the right thing, and keep the numbers of people together in one place to an absolute minimum.

We are changing our weekly group lessons to a new format for the foreseeable future to Quad Squads. Your children will be invited to their lesson on the same day as usual but in a group of just 4 players. We will only ever have 2 groups on site at any one time. In order to accommodate this, the time of your lesson will change.

But we’re hoping that with more people working from home, schools being closed and children having less external activities to attend, we can make this work.

We will email you with your Squad Quad detail. This will include who your playing buddies will be and the time of your lesson.

For all lessons, the following procedures will be in place:

  • Everyone entering and leaving the club premises must use the sanitising hand gel at the entrance.
  • Please arrive at exactly your lesson time, not before, so that we control the number of people on site.
  • Where possible, please only bring your child who is playing, ie one adult to one child.
  • The clubhouse will be open for drinks and the toilets, but on a one-in, one-out basis (one family at a time is fine).
  • Coaches will mostly be on the opposite side of the net, and no high-fives or hand-shaking will be allowed – but we will be using elbow-nudges as greetings.

If you can’t make your Quad Squad time, please do get in touch and we can see what flexibility there might be. Please bear in mind there are a lot of moving parts, and we might not be able to change your time, but we will do our best to always make a plan.