
Lockdown 2 - no public tennis lessons

Well, here we go again, into a lockdown…but this time we’re better prepared. We know that when we are allowed to play again, regardless of what restrictions might be in place, we have a plan.

It’s all up on our website (stage 0 – no tennis, progressing through 1-1’s, Pairs, Quad Squads, Small groups etc):

We’ve tried to keep open, but despite us, the LTA and tennis community making a strong case to Government, we can confirm that the new restrictions mean that tennis activity in England is not permitted for the duration of the national lockdown, as a result of the closure of all outdoor and indoor facilities.  The only exceptions to this are for elite tennis players (we’re elite aren’t we!), and for tennis activity in schools, colleges and other educational establishments as part of education.

So all tennis courts, public or otherwise cannot be used at all by anyone – no exceptions.

Whilst we are disappointed with the outcome, we must urge all involved with tennis in England to adhere to the decision that the Government has taken.

We know these restrictions will have a significant impact on the whole tennis community, and our focus now will switch to campaigning to ensure that as much grassroots tennis activity as possible can resume as soon as possible.

Tennis at Home

The LTA has a dedicated online hub – Tennis at Home – where you can find a host of support and advice to keep active, healthy and entertained at home, before we can return to on-court play. From LTA Youth coaching and educational content to keep children and families busy, to fitness, physio and yoga programmes to support your physical and mental wellbeing whilst working from home. Take a look – there’s some pretty cool stuff and it’s a little better than the YouTube videos that Coach Adrian and I produced last lockdown:


The November invoicing had already been processed, so we will hold that as a credit for December, and we will zero all Direct Debits for December, so that you can use your credit up. If lockdown gets extended, your credit will roll to whenever we are allowed to open. If we are only allowed to open partially, we will adopt our Staged approach as before, and as detailed on our website, so you will never lose out.

So, keep well, keep healthy, keep in touch and we will see you all soon!