Spring Newsletter 2021
Fri, 26 Mar 2021 00:00
News from Uffington Tennis Club
After months of lockdown I hope by the time you read this, and if all goes according to the Government’s planned roadmap, our tennis courts will be open again on the 29th March. Hooray!! Please refer to the LTA’s website for their latest advice and guidance: https://www.lta.org.uk/about-us/tennis-news/news-and-opinion/general-news/2020/march/coronavirus-covid-19---latest-advice/. It's great to see that members are already booking courts and are keen to get back out and start playing again.
Over lockdown we have migrated the club website onto the LTA's Clubspark platform and you will find us at https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/UffingtonLawnTennisClub. The old website may remain accessible for a while, but will be out of date and should not be used. Our new Clubspark page brings together our information, court booking, match information and membership sign-up pages. I would encourage you to take a few minutes to look round the new website and familiarise yourselves with it, as the majority of what you might want from the club will be accessible there.
Just to remind you:
League Matches
Uffington Lawn Tennis Club competes in the Swindon and District League all year round - Summer matches are on Tuesday evenings for Ladies and Thursday evenings for Mixed. We’re always keen for new players! If you’d like to know more or to take part email Club Captain, Annabel Campbell - campbellannabel@gmail.com
Friendly Matches with other local clubs are arranged throughout the Summer. If you would like to take part in these please email Juliet Moss - julietmoss@hotmail.co.uk
Coaching News
There are catch up sessions for those who were previously enrolled in the winter junior coaching programme, and they're happening on Saturdays 3rd, 10th & 17th April. Those involved should have been notified of these dates by the coaching team.
The summer term will move to Wednesday evenings with Junior sessions running 4-5pm and 5-6pm, followed by adults coaching following on from 6-7pm. The term starts on 21st April and finishes on 14th July. Details can be found at: https://www.gamesetandmatchplay.co.uk/coaching
Club Nights
These will now move to Friday and start once light is good enough until around 8.00pm
Finally, membership renewals are coming up again so please visit the relevant web page: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/UffingtonLawnTennisClub/Membership/Join. You will see that we have also updated our payment options, with both direct debit and card payments now possible. Please could we encourage you to renew your membership and review your contact details etc as soon as possible. Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you out on court again soon.
Robert Hart
Club Chairman
Uffington Lawn Tennis Club