Adult Coaching

Kinetic Tennis offer a diverse adult group coaching programme on a Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday and Friday for all ages and abilities. In order to maintain the quality of our sessions, there are a limited number of spaces available per session. Please contact Jamie on 07938850558 OR for more information, or to know which is the most appropriate session for you. 


Below are the WhatsApp Group links. Block booking links are released in our WhatsApp groups and are not advertised. In order to have access to the block booking, please join the relevant WhatsApp group: 




This session is suitable for any player with little to no previous tennis experience. The basics of the game, techniques will be covered within these sessions.



This session is suitable for players with some tennis experience and understanding of the game, but still needs development. In this session techniques will be developed and understanding furthered. 



This session is suitable for seasoned players returning to the game or players progressing through their tennis journey. Players are expected to have a good understanding of the game and techniques. There will be some development of technique in this sessions, but the main focus will be on the tactics of the game. 


Team Training: 

This session is suitable for players looking to compete in match play with a sole focus on learning to play better doubles. There is a sole focus on the tactics and intentions within doubles play. 


Ladies Tennis: 

This session is for ladies only. This session caters for beginners, improvers and intermediates within this session. This session will include technique development, game understanding and tactical intentions. 


Coaching and Coffee Tennis: 

This session is based around matchplay coaching and the occasional enjoyment of coffee, tea and cakes after the session. This session is suitable for more seasoned players looking for more matchplay guidance. 


Cardio Tennis: 

This session is suitable for ALL abilities. The main aim of the session is get a tennis inspired work-out. There is no minimum or maximum playing ability for this session. 



Pay Per Play Links:




  • 18.00-18.30 - Taster Session

(Contact Jamie on 07938 850558)​​​​​​

  • 18.30-20:00 - Team Training

(Booked via WhatsApp Group - ​​​​​​Contact Jamie on 07938 850558)



For any welfare of safeguarding issues or queries please contact Karen Patel on 07485216129 or email