Safe Recruitment



The Globe LTC is committed to prioritising the safe and inclusive recruitment, induction, training and support of all its volunteers.

Recruitment process

- Advertising: The Globe LTC uses appropriate ways to advertise for volunteers, through the Clubhouse notice board and other informal channels, guided by the principles promoted by the LTA regarding safe recruitment.

- Selection: Potential volunteers meet with a member of the Management Committee or other suitable representatives of the Club to discuss suitability for the role and to ensure their clear understanding of the Club’s commitment to a safe and inclusive tennis environment. The selection process aims to ensure that volunteers are fit for purpose, and that they have the right skills for the role allocated and won’t risk our aim to provide a safe, inclusive and fun environment for all.

- Criminal Records checks: The Globe LTC follows LTA safe recruitment and best practice guidance, ensuring that everyone who works unsupervised with children, young adults and at-risk adults has an enhanced criminal records check. The Globe LTC wants to ensure these groups are safe from harm and have an enjoyable tennis experience.

- Coaches’ qualifications: all our coaches are LTA accredited

- To help create a safe and inclusive tennis environment for all children and adults, the Club has a Welfare Officer who has attended the relevant LTA Safeguarding training and has the relevant skills to undertake the role. Information about the Welfare Officer is prominently displayed on the Globe LTC’s notice board and website.

- All Globe LTC volunteers, coaches and members are bound by its Safeguarding Policy and its Safe and Inclusive Code of Conduct.


*for further details regarding the Club’s recruitment procedures, contact the Globe LTC Secretary

April 2016