
Welfare Officer Role Description

The Welfare Officer is responsible for promoting welfare within Helsby Tennis Club and working with others to ensure a safe and inclusive environment is achieved, with a particular focus on safeguarding


The Welfare Officer must not be a member of the venue’s coaching team and should not be related to a member of the coaching team (for example, their spouse). The Welfare Officer should be someone over the age of 18.


Main Duties

  • Work with others in the club to promote safeguarding, diversity and inclusion and ensure compliance with at least the LTA’s minimum standards for venue registration
  • Work with others in the club to ensure safeguarding and diversity and inclusion information, including policies, reporting procedures and details of the venue Welfare Officer are visible and available
  • Keep up to date with all safeguarding requirements and update policies as necessary
  • Ensure risk assessments provide a safe and inclusive environment
  • Work with others in the club to promote the venue’s Code of Conduct(s), to champion respect and fair play
  • Ensure safeguarding and diversity and inclusion is on the agenda at all committee meetings
  • Act as the first point of contact for all children and adults where concerns about welfare, discrimination, poor practice or abuse are identified.
  • Work with the LTA Safeguarding Team and/or other applicable agencies when concerns arise within the venue
  • Maintain contact details for the LTA Safeguarding Team and key statutory agencies
  • Contact the Local Authority children’s or adults’ social care teams and the police about concerns where appropriate
  • Work with the LTA Safeguarding Team to facilitate audits of the venue in relation to the minimum standards
  • Work with the Committee/Management and LTA to facilitate the completion of any action plan to address the results of an audit
  • Work with others in the venue to ensure the relevant people at the venue have completed both a satisfactory criminal records check, and the LTA safeguard training applicable to their role and this is regularly updated.
  • Support young volunteers at the club and ensure all those working with young volunteers are aware of any applicable guidelines.


Skills and Traits

  • Tactful and discrete
  • Able to resolve conflict
  • Engaging and supportive
  • Approachable and trustworthy
  • Good listener and friendly
  • Caring and understanding
  • Professional and helpful


Key relationships

  • Chairperson and management committee
  • Coaches • Volunteers at the venue
  • All members – junior and senior, plus parents/carers of junior members


Time Commitment

  • Attendance at key venue events, such as open days and junior competition.  If this is not possible the welfare officer will ensure an alternative responsible person is clearly identifiable for those attending.
  • Attendance at management committee meetings.  If this is not possible a written report will be provided.



  • Required - Safeguarding and Protection in Tennis (or another course approved by the LTA)
  • Required - Time to Listen
  • Preferable - Yearly updates


Criminal Record Check

  • Required – DBS (LTA approved)