Guests and Guest Fees

Members are welcome to bring guests to the club. Guests should  play at off-peak times (weekdays & weekday evenings except Club adult social nights) so court access is not restricted for full members. Coaching, matches and club sessions have priority. A particular guest may play a maximum of 3 times per membership year, after which they are required to become a full member to play. 

Members are responsible for paying the Guest Fee, which is £6 per adult and £3 per child or junior for each separate visit.  Please pay  directly into the clubs bank account, details below.

Nat West bank

Account name - Pownall Park LTC

Account number  - 01322443 

Sort code  01-09-69. 

For the reference field, please use GUEST followed by your surname and then your guest's surname. For example, GUEST CHAUHAN DJOKOVIC.

Players present on court who are not members or paying guests will be asked to leave.  Please do not be offended if you are approached by a Committee member or regular member who does not recognise you.   

The guest fees are very modest and  will be put to good use in running the club. In the past, some members have brought  non-members to the club without paying a guest fee. This is dishonest & may result in the Committee terminating the member's membership.

Please contact Roger Moss,  Club Secretary 07412-547469,  if there are any queries or difficulties.