Adult Coaching at Riverside Tennis Club
Our Adult Coaching Programme is open for bookings. Please scroll down the page to click on the relevant group/day to book and you will be taken to the booking page.
'Theme of the Week' with tactics and technical coaching covering all areas of play to get your skills improving in a friendly atmosphere. A great way to meet new players.
Just like a workout session on the tennis court! Perfect if you want to get a sweat on!!
We run a wide variety of sessions in the evenings and daytimes in conjunction with Bedford Borough Council Sports Development Unit. Get fit, have fun and meet new people - a great to get a taste of the action at Riverside! Our Active Adults Programme in conjunction with Bedford Borough Council is up and running. Keep an eye out for latest info here.
Tuesday Evenings - Intermediate / Advanced Players
Our free Adult Members’ Coaching Sessions for intermediate/advanced players take place outdoors on Tuesday evenings. Coach Nimer runs the sessions at 7.00pm to 8.30pm and focuses on improving technique, organising drills, and match play.
Thursday Evenings - Beginner Players
Our free Adult Members’ Coaching Sessions for beginners takes place outdoors on Thursday evenings. Coach Jason runs the sessions for our beginner members at 7.00pm to 8.15pm every Thursday during term time. Jason will focus on the basics of the game including tehnicque and drills.
We hope you enjoy these popular free coaching sessions for our Adult Members. Our coaches will look forward to seeing you on court very soon!
Please contact Mat Dunkley at with any queries.