
Court Usage Advice
Please try to adhere to the following simple tips to keep the our new palying carpet as contaminant-free as possible:
- Wear clean shoes. Ideally, bring tennis shoes to change into before going on court. Alternatively, use the new mat in the patio area to brush your shoes clean before entering the courts.
- Do not use the gate entrance from the car park to access the courts as this brings dirt from the car park directly onto the courts.
- Use the large court brushes that will be at the back of the courts to sweep them regularly. This will help the sand to settle into its new home and greatly improve the surface in years to come but only if we all commit to and undertake regular sweeping.
- If there are any leaves on the courts before playing, remove them as best you can so they are not trampled into the carpet where they will decompose and contribute to detritus build-up.
- After play, if nobody is coming on or at the end of the day, lower the net to remove the pressure on the net cord and posts. Winders and height gauges are available in the clubhouse lobby to help re-set the nets before play.
Playing Rules
The courts are our most important asset (see above). All members have an obligation to protect and take care of the club's facilities. The courts MUST NOT be used for anything other than tennis. Soft drinks and food of any description must not be taken onto the courts. Only water bottles are permitted.
Please respect all players and do not walk across the courts when a point is in play.
Proper tennis wear and tennis shoes must be worn at all times. Trainers with deep ridges are not allowed as they can damage the court surface. Jeans and football strips are not to be worn on court.
Junior members are NOT allowed to take non-members onto the courts.
All litter must be taken away with you and disposed of correctly. Litter, empty bottles and ball cans MUST NOT be left lying around the courts. Anyone seen dropping litter will be asked to pick it up and may be asked to leave the courts.
SMOKING IS PROHIBITED within the clubhouse, on the viewing area or on the courts.
Vandalism in or around the courts/clubhouse will not be tolerated. Anyone seen deliberately damaging the courts, nets, brushes or any of the clubs property or equipment will be BANNED from the club.
Significant violation of the club rules could result in immediate suspension of membership, with no reimbursement of fees paid.