AGM Minutes 2023





Minutes of Dersingham Tennis Club AGM

2 March 2023, The Feathers, Dersingham


Present: Hilary (Secretary) (and Nigel) Clark, David Collingham, Judy Collingham (Chair), Anne Davis, Paul Jarvis, Lynda Naul, Peter Noblet (Treasurer), David Rogers, Jes Russell, Rosie Russell (Welfare Officer), Debbie Sheils, Steve Tuppin.

Apologies: Paul Bryan, David Banks, Katrina Bullock, Nick Bullock, Judy Cuttell, Simon Cuttell, Ann Grimes, Mike Grimes, Carol Mardon.


  1. Minutes: the minutes of the last AGM were agreed.
  2. Treasurer’s Report:  the club ended the year with a balance of £6971.42 though the payment to the Sports Ground Committee for the year is outstanding. Court cleaning has increased to £700 but has already happened for 2023 in an attempt to get ahead of the weeds.
  3. Chair’s report:  Court 2 needs some serious maintenance in the service boxes this year which will cost £6,500 and take three weeks to complete (lift the service box area, level the ground, re-tarmac, re-paint). Judy hopes to get at least some of that money in grant funding. We are investigating changing the floodlights to LEDs if it’s not too expensive. Judy and Hilary investigated the possibility of installing automatic entry gates to make it easier for non-members to book and gain entry (approx cost £5,000) but given the work that needs doing on court 2 this will have to wait. Judy will therefore ask The Feathers if they would hold a key and deal with members of the public. The project for the new pavilion is inching forwards finally. Judy urged people to try and support Social Sundays as it is vital for new players to get to know people. There was some discussion about times, but it was decided to stick with Sunday mornings. There will be a Sport Fun Day on 7 May; the tennis club will oversee the barbecue (but able to use the football club’s equipment, we can also sell any unused burgers etc to them) so it could be a good fundraiser. Judy is going to produce some flyers to hand out to people who may be interested in joining the club.
  4. Match organisers’ reports:  The Ladies’ A team and the Mixed A team both finished second in their respective Division 1; the Men’s B team were unbeaten and promoted to Div 1; Men’s A team finished 3rd in a very close league; the Mixed B team remain in Div 2.  There was some discussion about having a Men’s C team and a Ladies’ B but we don’t have quite enough players. Anyone wishing to be considered for a team should contact the relevant team captain. It was agreed that anyone playing for a team should be a member of the club before they play.
  5. Election of officers: in the absence of other candidates, officers were duly re-elected as follows: Judy Collingham (Chair), Peter Noblet (Treasurer), Hilary Clark (Secretary), Rosie Russell (Welfare). Pete gave notice that this will be his last year. All officers were thanked for their services.
  6. Membership fees: given the relatively healthy state of the club’s finances it was once again proposed that subscriptions should stay at the same level: single member - £40; Family with two adults - £90; Family with one adult - £50. It was agreed to reduce Junior membership to £10 and all fees half price for people joining after 1 October.
  7. Safeguarding: no issues were raised.
  8. Coaching: Wednesday morning sessions with Gerry Bird continue from 9.30-11. Once again, we hope that there may be an opportunity for some junior coaching at some point but we need to find a coach that is willing to drum up the interest.
  9. AOB:
    • Village Voice – Rosie Russell will prepare and submit a piece to the Dersingham magazine.
    • It was agreed to try and organise another fundraising quiz possibly in the Autumn.