Aberaeron Sports Club is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members.
Our Welfare Officer is Julie Greenslade.
She is available to discuss any concerns (07721-374076). If your enquiry is urgent and you cannot get hold of Julie, please see the "Reporting a Concern" flowchart and the Urgent Safeguarding Contact sheet.
Julie will treat any contacts confidentially unless you give permission for sharing or if there is a requirement under general safeguarding regulations to notify the statutory authorities. However, such notifications will also be done confidentially and the statutory authorities work on a strict need to know basis.
Reporting a safeguarding concern will not be to the detriment of your membership.
As well as the links to policies below, paper copies of the documents can be found in the purple folders in the clubhouse foyer. Summaries of the most critical information are also on the clubhouse noticeboard.
All club policies can be found under the Policies tab in the About Us section of this website. However, please also find below the subset of club policies that relate to Safeguarding:
- Reporting a Safeguarding Concern flowchart
- Reporting a Safeguarding Concern form
- Urgent Safeguarding Contacts sheet
- Safeguarding policy
- Safeguarding summary
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy
- Anti-bullying policy
- Changing Room and Toilet policy
- Transgender and Non-Binary policy
- Recruitment policy
- LTA DBS role list
- Bowls Wales DBS guidance
- Welfare Officer description
Welfare Officer poster
- Whistleblowing policy
- Photography and Filming policy
- Online Safety and Communication policy
Event Policies