Rules for Safe Usage of the Courts

Abernethy Tennis Club - Rules for Safe Usage of the Courts

The club does not employ staff to undertake daily oversight of the courts, equipment or supervision of players. Periodic inspections are undertaken by Committee members to identify and rectify any problems. Further to this the Committee relies upon members and users of the courts to identify any issues. Please report any problems with the premises or equipment to the Committee (message the club whatsapp group or email

If the Committee is made aware, through either periodic inspection or reports, of a problem and deems that the courts need to be placed out of bounds in the interests of safety, this will be indicated as soon as possible by signage at the courts and also communicated to members by email and/or other appropriate means. In such circumstances you must NOT use the courts.

Further to this, all users must abide by the following Court Safety Rules:

Wear appropriate footwear: Please note the courts may become slippery following inclement weather and some parts of the courts may be slower to dry out than others. Footwear with tread/grip suitable in dry conditions may not be suitable in wet conditions.

Dangerous conditions:  Do NOT use the courts if conditions are dangerous, e.g. if the courts are too slippery due to wetness, ice etc or if there are thunderstorms forecast.

Damage to courts: If any part of the court surface, nets, boundary fences etc are damaged then in the interests of safety and to avoid further damage do NOT use them and inform the Committee as soon as possible.

Keep courts clean and clear: Please try to clear any debris (twigs, leaves, litter etc) from the courts before playing. Make every effort to keep the courts clear of mud and debris e.g. by wearing clean footwear and keeping bikes, pets etc off the courts. To prevent spillages do not eat or drink (other than water) on the courts.

Gate: after using the courts, ensure the gate is locked using the combination padlock if the courts are not still in use by others. Do NOT lock the gate if anyone is on the court.

Other users: Be aware of the activity of other users and be safe and courteous with regard to other players.

Supervision of Children: Children (under 13) should be supervised by their parents/carer whilst at this tennis venue and outside of any venue sessions, such as coaching lessons or tennis camps. Children should never be left unsupervised by a parent/carer even if there are other adult venue members or staff present. If the parent/carer is unable to supervise their child, arrangements need to be made by the parent/carer to designate an alternative adult to supervise. The venue and child must be aware of any such arrangements. Children are not allowed to arrive at or leave the venue alone for coaching sessions/camps etc without written consent from the parent/carer.

Accident or emergency: There is no public telephone on the premises. Users should have access to a mobile phone or seek assistance from other users of the courts/park or at nearby properties if required. If directing the emergency services, the entrance to the courts is at Powrie Park, Station Road, Abernethy PH2 9JS. If evacuation of the courts is required, the Assembly Point is the car park to the rear of the Pavilion. Be sure to not obstruct the access of Emergency Service vehicles and personnel. It is the individual responsibility of members to inform other players of any relevant health issues, and of parents/guardians to ensure that any persons supervising children are aware of any such issues in relation to the child. Please inform the Committee of any accident or health issue occurring on the premises as soon as reasonably possible.

Guests and visitors: Any member bringing guests or visitors (i.e. non-members) on to the courts is responsible for ensuring they are made aware of and agree to follow the club’s policy on safe usage of the courts.