Welcome to the Alderney Tennis Club

Alderney has a well deserved reputation for its hospitality; new members and visitors to the Island can be sure of a warm welcome when they visit our Tennis Club and enjoy our Club’s facilities.

Four separate, county size courts are available for hire and whether you are a beginner, a regular club player, or a veteran wewill be pleased to welcome you and that goes for children too! Our volunteer Club coaches have regular sessions for children of all ages throughout the summer months and to a more limited extent throughout the winter. In fact, Alderney Tennis Club boasts the largest ongoing junior membership in the Channel Islands, with as many as sixty youngsters of all levels turning out on Saturday mornings and smaller groups receiving coaching during the week. Small groups of senior or veteran players are welcome too and, given warning, we can organize mini tournaments against Alderney Club players.

Throughout the year we have Adult Club Play sessions every Saturday afternoon and every Wednesday evening during the summer months and Wednesday afternnon during the winter, to which visitors are most welcome.

We are proud that our Club was built and funded entirely by its members and we would find it difficult to maintain the Club’s facilities in good order without the funds generated by junior and senior memberships ‿and of course our visitors. So don’t forget to bring your racquet and we look forward to welcoming you to our delightful Club.

Ray Parkin
Club Chairman

How to find us

Alderney Tennis Club
Platte Saline
Channel Islands

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