
2016 Closed Tournament Matches & Results

There is just one group in each category (unfortunately there were not enough entrants for a mens doubles group).  Entrants will play all other entrants in their group, with a Final Match played between the two highest scoring entrants.

Each match will be played as the best of 3 sets with a tie-break at 6-6 in all sets. Points will be awarded as follows:

1 point to each entrant(s) for playing the match
1 point to the entrant(s) for winning a set
1 additional point to the entrant(s) who win in two straight sets


If you Win  2-0:    4 points to the winner(s) 1 point to the loser(s)
If you Win  2-1:     3 points to the winner(s)  2 points to the loser(s)
If you Loose 1-2:   2 points to the loser(s)  3 points to the winner(s)
If you Loose 0-2:   1 point to the loser(s)  4 points to the winner(s)

Entrants should make arrangements with the other Entrants in their group to play at a mutually convenient time.  All group matches must be completed by 31st October.

Men's Singles

    A B C D Total
Simon Chapman A     3   3
Simon Wilde B          
Victor Levine C 2       2
Laurence Page D          

Match Results:

Simon Chapman 6:2 3:6 6:2 Victor Levine


Ladies Singles

    A B C D Total
Jenny Rowley A       1 1
Caroline Sweerts B       1 1
Charlotte Newton C       4 4
Joan Jolly D 4 4 1   9

Match Results:

Charlotte Newton 6:3 6:3 Joan Jolly
Joan Jolly 6:4 7:5 Jenny Rowley
Joan Jolly 6:2 6:4 Caroline Sweerts


Ladies Doubles

    A B C D Total
Jill Hooper + Christine Le Blanc A   1 4   5
Charlotte Newton + Joan Jolly B 4   4 4 12
Jenny Rowley + Shirley Davenport C 1 1     3
Jane Page + Pam Pearson D   1     1


Match Results

Jill Hooper + Christine Le Blanc 6:4 6:3 Jenny Rowley + Shirley Davenport
Charlotte Newton + Joan Jolly 6:1 0:2(ret.) Jenny Rowley + Shirley Davenport
Charlotte Newton + Joan Jolly 6:2 6:4 Jill Hooper + Christine Le Blanc
Charlotte Newton + Joan Jolly 6:2 6:0 Jane Page + Pam Pearson

Mixed Doubles

    A B C D Total
Simon Chapman + Jill Hooper A     1 3 4
Simon Wilde + Clair B     1 1 2
Victor Levine + Catherine Veron C 4 4   2 10
Laurence Page + Jane Page D 2 4 3   9


Match Results:

Victor Levine + Catherine Veron 7:5 6:3 Simon Chapman + Jill Hooper
Laurence Page + Jane Page 4:6 6:1 6:2 Victor Levine + Catherine Veron
Simon Chapman + Jill Hooper 6:3 2:6 6:3 Laurence Page + Jane Page
Laurence Page + Jane Page 6:1 6:0 Simon Wilde + Clair
Victor Levine + Catherine Veron 6:1 6:0 Simon Wilde + Clair