
Following is some useful information about Alrewas Tennis.


There are two all-weather, floodlit tarmacadam courts finished in two-tone green acrylic.

Clubhouse Facilities

Members of Alrewas Tennis and their guests have access to the facilities at Alrewas Cricket Club when the clubhouse is open.


Players are encouraged to avoid travelling to the courts by motor vehicle, but if this is not feasible they should park on the public car park adjacent to the Cricket Club. Please park only in the allocated bays; do not park on the access road to the site.

Booking System

Courts must be booked using the online booking system. The courts must not be used without first making an online booking.

The system allows bookings up to 28 days in advance.

Any Questions?

Email info@alrewastennis.net and we'll be happy to assist.