Club Championship Finalists


Tea & Tennis Competition

Annan Seaforth Tennis Club recently organised and hosted a Regional Tea and Tennis Championship Competition. The first local Tea & Tennis group was established in Annan around 5 years ago and it was supported by the SHAP Day Opportunities fund. The aim was to encourage older adults to enjoy some tennis and social time whilst reaping the benefits of being physically active. Since then 3 more Tea & Tennis groups (in Gretna, Lochmaben and Moffat) have developed with support from the SHAP and they are proving to be very popular. 

The 4th July event was a partnership between Annan Seaforth Club and Advance Tennis Coaching and members from all 4 Tea & Tennis groups came together to take part in a Competition. It was a glorious summer day and around 25 people took part. After a lot of great tennis mixed with lots of fun the overall the winners were Trish Mohammed and Anne Bailey, who received the Tea & Tennis championship cup. Tesco kindly donated beverages and fruit.