Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk


ASLOCKTON Club recognises our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children (anyone under 18) and adults at risk.  We are committed to ensuring our safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and with the LTA safeguarding standards which can be found

We are committed to prioritising the well-being of children and adults at risk and providing a safe and welcoming environment where they are respected and valued.  We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children and adults at risk receive effective support and protection.

We recognise that health, well-being, ability, disability and need for care and support can affect a person’s resilience.  We recognise that some people experience barriers, e.g. to communication in raising concerns or seeking help.  We recognise that these factors can vary at different points in people’s lives.

We recognise that there is a legal framework within which sport needs to work to safeguard adults at risk and will act in accordance with the relevant safeguarding adult legislation and with local safeguarding procedures.

Actions taken by us will be consistent with the principles of adult safeguarding ensuring that any action taken is prompt, proportionate and that it includes and respects the voice of the adults concerned.

This policy applies to any person who plays, coaches, officiates, works, volunteers or otherwise participates (or visits) at our venue

We expect contractors and partner organisations, including e.g. suppliers and sponsors to adopt and demonstrate their commitment to the principles and practice as set out in the Policy and associated procedures.

All bound by this policy are responsible for upholding high standards of conduct and professionalism and raising safeguarding concerns and allegations in accordance with the Reporting a Safeguarding Concern Procedure

Anne Higham – Chairperson        Position Vacant  - Welfare Officer.



  • The safety and welfare of children and adults at risk is paramount
  • All children and adults at risk, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse
  • Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility
  • All safeguarding concerns or allegations will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
  • We strive to create a culture and environment where everyone is empowered to protect themselves and others and feel able to raise concerns
  • We actively promote working together to ensure all children and adults at risk are safeguarded.


The committee had overall accountability for this policy and its implementation

We have an appointed Welfare Officer (WO) who holds operational responsibility for safeguarding in line with the LTA role profile and is supported by the Committee.  The WO is the first point of contact to raise a safeguarding concern involving a child or adult at risk.  They also play a proactive role in increasing an awareness of safeguarding within our venue.

We are currently in the process of acquiring a new The Welfare Officer

If the WO is not available to report a safeguarding concern or allegation to, the alternative contact within our venue is

Anne Higham   - 07513 560189  -  anne.higham@lineone.cet

The LTA safeguarding team has strategic and operational responsibility for safeguarding in tennis in Britain, including the monitoring and evaluation of safeguarding standards and investigating safeguarding concerns. Safeguarding concerns can be raised directly to the LTA Safeguarding Team via

The Local Authority Contact details are:   Children Service/Adult Services  - Tel 0300 500 8080