Academy Philosophy

The character of a player is largely developed and determined by their external environment, which involves their parents, other family members, teachers, coaches, peers and role models. Every action, every speech, every decision and every thought is based consciously or subconsciously on a system of moral values and beliefs, which develop with maturity, based on personal traits and their external environment.

I believe that sport is a genuine "school of life" that can allow players to become the best version of themselves on the court and in all aspects of life. Therefore, it is vital all players embrace shared values and beliefs that will develop a team culture within the academy of hard work and growth - the formula for success.

I will seek to instil these values and beliefs in players at every opportunity. There will be times when I will impose them on players and there will be no compromise. Players and parents who seek to be involved with the academy do so on this understanding.


  • Ownership
    "Ownership begins with individuals taking personal responsibility for their development and accountability for their behaviour, commitment and performance. With blame and excuses removed, you are able to own your response and take pride in your achievements"
  • Integrity
    "Our character is what we do when no one else is looking. If you act with integrity, honesty and respect, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt. With fear and guilt removed, you are free to be and do your best"
  • Resilience
    "Resilience is the ability to overcome adversity through persevierance and adaptability. If you choose to embrace challenges and pressure as an opportunity to improve, you will develop a true competitive spirit. Resilient competitors are tough to beat by nature as they can handle any situation with emotional control and the ability to perform under pressure."


  • Together Everyone Achieves More: Competition drives growth
  • ​Control the Contrallables: Work ethic, discipline & focus
  • Becoming is better than being: Staying the same is getting worse
  • Everything is earned: Nothing is given
  • Personal Responsibility in Developing Excellence: P.R.I.D.E
  • No shortcuts, no excuses: Everything catches up to you
  • You get out what you put in: The results you are getting are the results you should be getting
  • No failure, only feedback: You win some, you learn some
  • Train like you've never won: Compete like you've never lost
  • Outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens: Get comfortable being uncomfortable
  • Hard work beats talent: Hard work realises talents full potential
  • Achievement requires sacrifice: Aligning ambition and commitment
  • Never give up: The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender
  • Where attention goes, energy follows: Your body achieves what your mind believes