Use of Floodlights
- Only adult Members of the Club may operate these lights.
- It is a condition of our Planning Permission that the floodlights must not be used in the morning or after 10pm. It is imperative that all Members comply with this condition.
- Because of Paragraph 2 above, the lights are timed to go off automatically at 10pm. If this happens, the lights must still be “switched off” by the last player leaving the court.
- The lights for Courts 1 and 2 and Courts 3 and 4 are on the same fuse board and switching them on at the same time may cause the supply to be overloaded and fuse. Please, therefore, leave at least 5 minutes between switching on these two sets of lights. (The lights for Courts 5 and 6 are on a separate system).
- Floodlighting is a major cost to the Club. Please play on courts already floodlit before switching on more lights and turn off lights where courts have been vacated, even if adjacent courts are still in use. However, please note that lights that have been in use and are switched off take approximately 20 minutes to cool down before they will re-light so please check the online booking system to see if there is anyone booked on the court prior to switching any lights off.
- MAINTENANCE COSTS MONEY. If the lights fuse an engineer may have to be called to attend to the problem. To eliminate unnecessary callouts, please have particular regard for the instructions at Paragraph 4 and 5 above.
- PROBLEMS WITH THE FLOODLIGHTS. If you have any problems with the floodlights, or if any lamps fail, please report the matter either to Linda Ganter – 01252 614721 or Zana Fletcher – 01252 615117. Do not leave anonymous notes lying around the Club in the hope of expectation. The Club does not employ a daily caretaker and your note may not be detected. We may also need to discuss the circumstances of the problem with you prior to taking action.