
Aylsham Tennis Club AGM - 18th May 2024

Aylsham Tennis Club's AGM will take place on


Saturday 18th May at 11:45 am (after Club Morning) at The Bowls Club


Tea, coffee, cold drinks and cake will be available.


The AGM agenda to date includes the following items:

  • Minutes of 2023 AGM
  • Reports from Chair, Coach and Treasurer
  • Changes to the Constitution, including financial assistance to Members where appropriate
  • Election of Officers to the Committee


Documents can be viewed online by clicking on the links below:

Minutes of 2023 AGM

Aylsham Tennis Club Balance Sheet to October 2023

Aylsham Tennis Club Income and Expenditure to October 2023

Chair's Report

Treasurer's Report

Coach's Report

Further documents will be uploaded as they become available.