
Ayr Carrick Lawn Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the wellbeing of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our club at all times, including all programmes and events we run. This policy strives to minimise risk, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns/disclosures.


Our Safeguarding Policy is available on the notice board in the clubhouse and can be accessed online. The main points are listed below:


  • Check that you have the relevant consent from parents/carers, children and adults before taking or using photos and videos.
  • Ensure your own roles and responsibilities, and those of everyone you are responsible for are clearly outlined and everyone has the information, training and support to carry them out.
  • Where possible do now be alone with a child or an adult at risk.
  • Do not abuse, neglect, harm or discriminate against anyone; or act in a way that may be interpreted as such.
  • Doing nothing is NOT an option: report all concerns and disclosures as soon as possible, following the Concern Reporting Procedure.
  • If someone is in immediate danger, call the police (999)

Concern Reporting Procedure


Listen carefully to what the person is telling you. Do not interrupt; keep questions to a minimum; do not promise to keep the information secret.


If someone is in immediate danger then phone the police (999). Otherwise, talk to the club's welfare officer, Moira Balmer, who can be contacted on 07732614450

Also contact the LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team 0208 487 77000 which is available on weekdays from 9am to 5 pm. If this team is unavailable, and you require advice on child-related matters urgently call the NSPCC (0808 800 5000) oe Parent Line Scotland (0800 028 2233)

If your concern is about a child or vulnerable adult, contact South Ayrshire Council Social Work Standby on 01292 267675

Hate crime can be reported through True Vision


Submit an objective account of your concerns immediately using the Registering A Concern online form on the LTA website.

Handling a concern/disclosure can be emotionally difficult. If you would like to talk to someone after making a concern/disclosure, contact the LTA Safe and Inclusive Team by phone 020 8487 700 or email

Diversity, Inclusion and whistleblowing

Ayr Carrick Lawn Tennis Club has policies on diversity inclusion and whistleblowing. The NSPCC Whistleblowing Advice line is 0800 028 0285

Club Welfare Officer

The welfare officer for Ayr Carrick Lawn Tennis Club is Moira Balmer who can be contacted on 07732614450 or 


Safeguarding documents:


Safeguarding Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Changing Room Policy

Safe Recruitment Policy

Ayr Carrick LTC Code of Conduct

Whistle Blowing Policy

Photography and Filming Policy

Online Safety and Communication Policy

Diversity and Inclusion