Contact us

If you would like to get in touch with us please use the contact form below.

Our address and a map are provided at the bottom of the page.


Please get in touch

Where to find us

Directions from the South (Leeds):

Bardsey is the village after Scarcroft on the A58.  Half a mile after you pass the last Scarcroft sign you will come across 2 left hand turns.  The first is a cul-de-sac, the second is Church Lane which is the road you should take.
Woodacre Lane is approximately 250 metres along Church Lane and is the second road on the right (the road is directly opposite the Church).
The tennis club car park (which is shared with the village hall) is 100 metres up on the left.


Directions from the North (Wetherby):

Bardsey is the village after Collingham on the A58.  As you enter Bardsey go past the first right hand turn after the small parade of shops on your right.  Then ignore the cul-de-sac 100 metres further on on the right.  The next turning on the right is Church Lane which is the road you should take.  Then follow directions above.


Address and map

Bardsey Tennis Club
Woodacre Lane, Bardsey , LEEDS Yorkshire LS17 9DG


Bardsey Tennis Club

Woodacre Lane, Bardsey
LS17 9DG

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