Safeguarding at BLTC an introduction by John Gregson

Safeguarding at Barnsley Tennis Club

An introduction and summary by John Gregson

Hello, my name is John Gregson and I am the Safeguarding and Welfare Officer at Barnsley Tennis Club. 

The Club also have Joan Nettleton as an additional Safeguarding and Welfare Officer.

The aims of this introduction are basically 3 fold:

1. What is Safeguarding?
2. Whose Concern is it?
3. What to do if you have a concern.

So first – what is meant exactly by ‘Safeguarding’ at Barnsley Tennis Club? We follow the LTA definition that safeguarding is ‘ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected from abuse and neglect.’

What we are striving to do is to create an enjoyable and safe environment for everyone to play tennis in. There is much more detail if you are interested, in the club’s safeguarding policy which is available both in our clubhouse and on our website.

Secondly – whose concern is it? Well, that’s simple. Safeguarding is everyone’s concern. All the club’s coaching staff, myself and the deputy safeguarding officer here, have been LTA trained in Safeguarding to the levels required.

The key message is that we can all play our part and if you have any concerns whatsoever – just tell us. It is always better to be safe than sorry. This brings us onto the third point which is:

Thirdly – what to do if I have a concern? You can report a concern to me by email or mobile 07821759093 or Joan Nettleton email

You can also of course contact the L T A ’s excellent Safeguarding team directly by emailing or the online secure form via

I hope you’ve found this short statement helpful and wish you all a safe and enjoyable time playing tennis at our wonderful club.