Membership Information


We have evolved some of our memberships to suit the flexibility you wish to have.

Key changes:

  • Family membership has become Gold membership where it now covers 2 adults and their dependants, all resident at the same address – dependants must be under 21.
  • We have also introduced a Vintage discount for those over 65’s of 30%.
  • We would also remind you that both Junior and Child memberships give access to all racket sports.

Subscriptions can be paid by two instalments. The first is payable immediately, with the second on 1st October.  Your membership subscription for the year beginning 1st April is therefore either a single immediate payment or alternatively, two payments of 50% of your membership cost plus £10.

If you wish to take up the instalment option please return two cheques with your renewal (the second cheque dated 1st October of that year).  All subscriptions should be returned before 18th April to benefit from the above subscription rates and continue in membership of the Club.

It is the member’s responsibility to ensure when bringing a visitor to the club they must pay a visitors fee. This is currently £6 for Seniors and £3 for Juniors and visitors may only come 6 times in a membership year, before they have to join.

If you intend to pay via online electronic payment or bank transfer, you must also supply your membership number & Name. The Clubs bank details are as follows:

Lloyds TSB Bank PLC, Sort Code: 30-96-12, Account Number: 07788306.

If paying by cheque please return the renewal form along with your cheque to the club address below.

Cheques should be made payable to “Barnt Green Sports Club”.



Sharon Coleman

Membership Secretary


Margesson Drive, Barnt Green, Birmingham, B45 8LR.  Tel: 0121 445 1978