How to find us
Barrhead Community Tennis Courts
Cowan Park, Darnley Road, Barrhead
Scotland West
G78 1TA
At Barrhead Community Tennis Club our aim is to get as many people playing tennis as we possibly can. That's why we have one of Scotland's top young coaches employed to deliver top quality sessions for all ages and why we are part of the Barrhead Community Sports Hub.
Tennis For Free runs every Saturday 1-3pm and is a great way for everyone, even the whole family, to enjoy Tennis in a controlled, safe and most importantly fun environment. We are also running Tennis For Kids and Tennis Express sessions, as well as a comprehensive Club coaching programme. To book any coaching class just click the COACHING tab above, top left hand side of this page next to HOME.
Tennis is fun, suitable for all ages and here for you. We look forward to seeing you on court soon!
Junior Membership of Barrhead Community Tennis Club in 2017/18 costs £72.00 per annum. This entitles all members to a minimum 1 hour coaching per week during school term (40 hours per annum) equivalent to £1.80 per hour or £1.38 per week. Non-members attending coaching will be charged a minimum £3.00 per session, equivalent to a £120.00 per annum membership fee.
Members of Barrhead Community Tennis Club will received discounts on all coaching during school holidays and at all other times. Additional membership benefit also available including special rates on equipment and clothing.
Just pick up a form from any coaching session at Cowan Park!
View the online booking sheet to find your preferred booking slot.
Select your preferred available time and book. Register online the first time you book.
We'll send you confirmation of your booking. You'll receive a pin number to access the venue. It's easy!
Barrhead Community Tennis Courts
Cowan Park, Darnley Road, Barrhead
Scotland West
G78 1TA