SAFEGUARDING: Contact Telephone Numbers


Barton Tennis Club Welfare Officer: Elizabeth Tompson 01223 262683

Anyone who believes a child or adult may be at risk of imminent harm should contact the Police by dialling 999.

 In less urgent situations then the following contact details are appropriate.

If you are concerned that a child may be suffering physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect or is at risk of harm you should telephone Children Services using one of the following numbers:

Cambridgeshire children: 0345 045 5203

Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team (EDT): 01733 234724

NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000

If you have a similar concern relating to an adult then you should call 0345 045 5202


Out of hours Emergency Duty Team on 01733 234724


To contact the LTA about a safeguarding concern call 020 8487 7000


For further enquiries email the Safeguarding Team at <>;