Welfare and safeguarding


The Barton  Tennis Club recognises it responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children (anyone under 18) and adults at risk. We are committed to ensuring our safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and LTA standards.

The Club's Safeguarding Policy may be found under the POLICIES tab above and it applies to any person who plays, coaches, officiates, works, volunteers, visits or otherwise participates at our venue


Concerns should be raised with our  Welfare Officer : CHERIE  EVANS

Cherie may be contacted on telephone no. 01223 609501 or email bartontenniswelfare@outlook.com

If unavailable, the concern can be referred directly to the LTA via https://safeguardingconcern.lta.org.uk/ 

In an emergency, please call 999

Concerns can also be reported  to the Local  Authority Child Services on 0345 045 5203 or Local Authority Adult Services 0n 0345 045 5202

You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns