Membership Fees 2024/25

MEMBERSHIP 2024/2025

Good News!   Despite the current climate, we are only increasing Family and Adult Membership by £5 per annum and  we are keeping Junior Membership at £40 per annum.   This will hopefully encourage more families to play at our wonderful club.   You also have the option to pay monthly for Family and Adult Membership, making it easier to budget.  

Please note, Family Membership covers 2 Adults and children under the age of 18 years.  If children are over 18 and in full time education, then they qualify for Junior/Student Membership at £40 pa 

Membership fees for the 2024/25 season are as follows: 

Single Adult Membership at £95
Family Membership at £170
Junior Membership at £40 (under 18 or in full time education) 

You can also pay monthly for Family Membership and Single Adult Membership - just follow the link 

Guest Fees - as a member we are happy you bring a guest to play with you twice.  After this, a Guest Fee is payable at £5 per time.  You will be able to pay this online under Membership - Guest Fees


Family Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

2024/2025 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP 2 ADULTS + CHILDREN (under 18) COST £170 PER YEAR OR £16 per month 1st April 2023 TO 31ST MARCH 2025

Eligibility: Family and children under 18 years old If over 18 and in full time education, then they are eligible for Junior/Student membership at £40 pa

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Guest Fees

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

If any member wishes to bring a guest they are welcome. After playing on 2 occasions a guest fee is payable of £5 per session

Eligibility: Guest must accompany full paying member

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Junior Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Price £40 per annum - Under 18's or in full time education

Eligibility: Price £40 per annum - Under 18’s or in full time education

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Single Adult Membership 2024/25

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Adults 18+ Single Membership £95 per Annum or £9.00 per month

Eligibility: Adult 18 +

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