
March 2023 Newsletter

BLTC Members March 2023 Newsletter

1. Memberships - Membership fees for April 2023-March 2024 are now due (see recent email).  Please complete the online application renewal form on our website at and pay your fees by bank transfer.

2. Join the Bearsden Tennis 200 Club to be entered into their monthly cash draws.  It's an annual cost of £20 per person, and it really helps BLTC fundraising.  Please see for more details.

3. EGM (Thursday 23rd March at 7pm) - We need to hold a (hopefully!) quick EGM on Zoom to consider amending a couple of clauses in our Constitution.  To join the meeting, just click at 7pm on Thursday (see email notice sent on 8th March).

4. Presidents vs Convenors American Tournament (Saturday 15th April at 1pm) - Our first social tennis event of the year combines a fun mixed-doubles team competition with a great afternoon of socialising, a raffle, and refreshments. There is free entry, but food and drink donations are always welcome. There will be a sign-up sheet on the noticeboard soon.

5. Match Practices - Match practice nights are starting again (Tuesday for women's teams, Thursday for men's).  For those looking to compete, we have over 18 teams from Mini Red to Over 60s in West of Scotland leagues and National Competitions. For more information, see the Teams page on our website, and contact the relevant team captain.  For Junior Teams, please contact head coach Gordon Wilson.

6. Bearsden LTC Clothing - Don't forget the Bearsden LTC clothing range for our junior and adult members.  With a choice of high-quality tops, mid-layers, hoodies and rain-jackets in black (for juniors) and blue (for adults) and with an option to include your initials, we could be the best-dressed club in Bearsden!  The online shop is via Kitlocker at

7. Coaching - As well as the excellent Tour Group and Development Coaching sessions running just now, don't forget about the forthcoming Easter Camps (3rd to 14th April). You can see the full coaching timetable and book courses online through Gordon Wilson's Class4Kids website at

8. Juniors - The Road-to-Wimbledon competition has been renamed Play-Your-Way-to-Wimbledon.  It doubles as our Under 14 Club Championships too, and is free to enter.  (We will also be hosting doubles events for adult players too, so look out for details shortly.)

9. Winter Teams - During the winter months, our Sunday Afternoon and Monday Floodlight teams have performed superbly in their divisions.  The Sunday team were runners-up in Division 2C, and the Monday team were top of Division 2 - winning 59 out of 63 sets played!

10. Committee - This year's committee is: Pauline Hughes (President), Phil Waterfield (Vice President), Ashley Donnelly (Treasurer), John Perkins (Secretary), Karen Gorman, Carolyn Miller, Ross McFarlane, Rob Murdoch, Andy Gordon, Alistair MacDonald.

See you on court,

The BLTC Committee
