Club Policies

Risk Assessment Policy (updated July 2018)

Beauchief Tennis Club will carry out a full annual risk assessment of the facility with a view of highlighting potential hazards and taking the appropriate action wherever necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment. The risk assessor(s) are responsible for reporting to the committee on such issues. If a member/user wished to report a hazard or potential hazard, they should do one of the following: Call one of the committee members; contact details are on this web site or Email

Maintenance is an item on the agenda for committee. Any issues are raised and the appropriate action taken; all details will be listed in the minutes. The risk assessment includes the following areas:

  • Is the area and surroundings safe and free from obstacles?
  • Is the area fit and appropriate for activity?
  • Is the equipment fit and sound for activity and suitable for age group/ability?
  • Are performers appropriately attired for the activity?
  • Can emergency vehicles access facilities?
  • Is there a working telephone available with access to emergency numbers?
  • Are emergency access points checked and operational?
  • Are evacuation procedures published and posted somewhere for all to see?
  • Do volunteers, staff, coaches and members have access to information relating to health and safety?
  • Are emergency procedures published and accessible to those with responsibility for sessions at the venue?
  • Are evacuation procedures published and posted somewhere for all to see?
  • Do volunteers, staff, coaches and members have access to information relating to health and safety?
  • Are emergency procedures published and accessible to those with responsibility for sessions at the venue



Volunteer Recruitment & Retention (updated July 2018)

Beauchief Tennis Club uses appropriate means to advertise for volunteers, taking into account the principles of its equal opportunities and diversity policy. The following areas are taken into consideration when recruiting a volunteer:

  • Does the volunteer hold relevant and current qualifications for the role (if necessary)?
  • Do they have the skills necessary to undertake the role?
  • Do they have experience of working with the age group/level of player?
  • Where was the previous experience gained?
  • Does the volunteer agree to undertake any required training courses?
  • Do they hold adequate insurance cover (if necessary)?

Potential volunteers will meet with the volunteer co-ordinator and/or a member of the management committee to assess their suitability for the role.

A full job specification is available for each volunteer role, complete with responsibilities and time commitment. A criminal records check with the Criminal Records Bureau will be made (if the role involves working with children in any capacity) and references will be taken up. An induction will be prepared and delivered by a member of the management committee. This will include:

  • A job description of the role, complete with responsibilities and time commitments
  • A list of all other management committee members, with role and responsibilities
  • A copy of the following policies:
  • Child protection
  • Code of practice for working with children
  • Equality and diversity
  • Volunteer recruitment and retention
  • Health and safety
  • Complaints and feedback

The volunteer (whether paid or unpaid) will receive support and regular supervision sessions from the chairperson of the management committee (or from another named management committee member). The organisation has a valid insurance policy which you are advised to read. Resolving problems The relationship between Beauchief Tennis Club and its volunteer workers is entirely voluntary and does not imply any contract. However, it is important that Beauchief Tennis Club is able to maintain its agreed standards of service to members, and it is equally important that volunteers should enjoy making their contribution. If your work as a volunteer does not meet with the organisation’s standards, these steps will be taken: An initial meeting with the appropriate committee member will explain the concerns. If this does not resolve the concern, then a meeting with the chair of the management committee will be convened. If your work still does not meet with the standards, then the management committee shall have to stop using your services. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your work you should: Give an initial explanation of your dissatisfaction to the appropriate committee member. If that does not resolve the concern, then a meeting should be convened with the chair person. If, after this, we are still unable to resolve your grievance, then it would be inappropriate for you to continue as a volunteer. At all times, you will be free to state your case and a friend can accompany you. This volunteer policy is freely accessible to all and will be reviewed on a yearly basis.


Diversity & Inclusion (Updated August 2018)


This Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Standards, Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure are applicable to Beauchief Tennis Club and is based on similar policies of:


  • The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA)
  • Tennis Scotland
  • Tennis Wales
  • The Tennis Foundation.


As a club we contribute actively to enable more people to play tennis more often, in a manner that it is safe, inclusive, and fair. This applies regardless of a person’s age, disability, gender reassignment status, sex, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, race or sexual orientation, socio-economic status or any other background.

We recognise that many concerns and/or disclosures may have both safeguarding and diversity and inclusion elements to them. This policy reflects this through its reporting procedures, which replicate the safeguarding concern reporting procedures. 

This Policy strives to minimise risk and support our venue, programmes, events and individuals to deliver and experience a positive tennis experience for everyone. The Reporting Procedures in page 2 outlines how to respond to safeguarding or discrimination concerns/disclosures.



Recording & Publishing Images

BTC follow the guidelines set out by the LTA with regards to recording and publishing images. This policy document can be found on the following link;

Should you wish to raise any concerns with this policy, please contact our Welfare Officer, Evie Heath or the club Secretary, Chris Muscroft.