Safeguarding guidance and policies
Emergency contacts:
- Welfare Officer
- Wigan Local Authority Child Services 01942 828300
- Wigan Local Authority Adult Services 01942 828777
- You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns. In an emergency, please call 999. Please also let the LTA know of any concerns by using our secure form which can be found at
Here are the links to all the club policies:
- Anti-bullying policy
- British tennis - diversity and inclusion policy
- Compliments, complaints and disciplinary policy
- Disciplinary procedures
- Flowchart - reporting a concern outside tennis
- Flowchart reporting a concern within tennis
- Online safety and communication policy
- Photography and filming policy
- Safeguarding policy
- Safeguarding policy statement
- Safe recruitment policy
- Use of changing rooms policy
- LTA transgender and non-binary individuals policy
- Staying safe online.