We are pleased to let you know the Government and the LTA have allowed tennis to be played outdoors with some restrictions.
We are now getting things ready to open the Biddenden courts to members from THIS FRIDAY, 15th May at 7 a.m.. However, there will be rules to ensure social distancing and good hygiene.
The booking sheet will be made available to make bookings from tonight. However, we need members to read and adhere to the following rules:
1. Tennis can resume with either
a) members from the same household playing either singles or doubles together.
b) members playing singles with one other person from a different household, but not doubles.
2. Please read the LTA guidance on whom you are able to play with and familiarise yourselves with the LTA play safe guidelines
3. Only players who have a valid booking via the ClubSpark online booking system or App will be eligible to play. Please do not turn up hoping to play. If these rules are flouted the courts will be closed and remain so until further notice.
4. It will not be possible to allow both courts to be used at the same time by different households/ groups. Therefore each booking will be for the whole enclosure (i.e. both tennis courts).
5. The booking sheet has been cleared for hour long bookings for both courts together. However, the sessions are for 50 minutes and there is a ten minute break between each booking to ensure no overlap. Please vacate the court promptly at the end of your 50 minute session as quickly as possible and also do not turn up too far in advance of your booking. When you arrive please wait outside the court until it is empty.
6. Please observe a maximum booking of 1 session per day. We may revisit these limits depending on usage.
7. For the time being, the hut will remain closed. We are hoping to offer a handwashing station as soon as we can. In the meantime, please bring your own hand sanitiser and first aid kit with you.
8. Coaching will be permitted with an LTA accredited coach registered to coach at Biddenden. The coaches will have first aid kit with them, and will be coaching in line with the LTA's Covid-19 coaching guidelines.
We will write to you shortly with revised membership arrangements with lower fees for the remainder of the season. You will need to have a current 20/21 season membership to be able to book courts. We will refund the difference to those who have already paid.
Only adults members (over 18) will be able to book courts. An adult must be present at all times when children are playing. There will be some attractive options for parents of junior members to join as members.
We hope you enjoy getting back to tennis.