Club Rules

Summary of Club Rules:
- Members MUST NOT use the courts in bad weather and should always check the playing surface when playing as courts may be slippery in damp or cold conditions.
- Appropriate dress and particularly footwear must be worn on courts. Only proper tennis shoes in good condition or trainers with a decent amount of tread / grip should be worn.
- All members must pay the Annual Subscription.
- Times of play - Courts can only be used between 8am & 10pm (9pm on Saturday & Sundays).
- Adjoining gardens are out of bounds and no attempt must be made to retrieve tennis balls.
- No excessive noise or foul language to be made on court.
- Floodlights must not be left on when courts not in use.
- Care must be taken to avoid damage to courts and equipment, and net tension slackened and nets tied up after play.
- Members are responsible to lock courts after use.
- Members are responsible for collecting fees from their visitors and paying to the Treasurer.
- Members must abide by the Consitution of the Club and the Lawn Tennis Association Disciplinary Code.