

Summer Tournament

Entries are now open for the Annual Summer Tournament. Details were sent out last week by email. Key dates:
Entries close: Sunday 30th June
Finals Day: Saturday 14th September
Awards Night: Saturday 12th October

Attached is an entry form with more details.

Ladies Afternoon Tea

We are holding our second Prosecco and Posh Frocks event for all lady members on Sunday 28th July from 2-4.30pm. Food and drink in the form of Afternoon Tea and two glasses of prosecco will be provided for a ticket price of £15. (16-18s £10 – no alcohol) Soft drinks will also be available. There will be the opportunity to buy more drinks if required.

There are a maximum number of 40 tickets available, only to members initially, but we may open this up to friends and family nearer the time if there are still places left.

If you would like to attend, please let us know by replying to this email and sending £15 per ticket (or £10 for 16-18s) to the club’s usual bank account. Payment must be received to secure your ticket, first come, first served. The deadline for bookings is Sunday 14th July, but we may well have reached full capacity before then so don’t leave it too late!

Hope to see you there!


The Funcom team


Dates for your diary

Saturday 29th June 13.30: Captain’s Day social tournament
Saturday 20th July 19.00: Indian Quiz Night. Tickets £10 which includes food. Bring your own drink.
Sunday July 28th 14.00 Ladies Afternoon Tea and Prosecco  Details in email
Saturday 3rd August 14.00 Ale trail and optional curry. More details later.