
Canopy Replacement

From Monday we are having the canopy above the seats on Court 5 replaced. As a result, the carpark will be closed all week, and court 5 will be closed. It may also be that in order to access court 4 you will have to go down the back path and access it via court 3. We’re not sure how it will work at the moment, so please just take care and follow the directions given on the day. If the work overruns we will let you know.


Box Leagues

Message from Jill Carroll:

We are going to run our box leagues again from October to March. Please let me know if you would to play. Players are then sorted into groups of 4, who then make arrangements to play their match - the format is 3 sets of doubles with each player playing 1 set with each person in their group. One match is played per month. Results are forwarded to me. Each month the players are mixed up so hopefully you will get some winter tennis with different players.

Please let me know if you want to play by Wednesday 25 September. Send me an email on 

I will also arrange a singles box league if there is sufficient player interest - please let me know at the above address.

Hope to see lots of you on court over the winter months.



Finals Day report

Finals Day last Saturday was bathed in sunshine although the wind was a little problematic at times! All the finals went off without a hitch and there were some thrilling three-setters to watch for those who came down to support. Results and pictures can be seen on our Facebook page. Thanks to the Tencom for all the organisation.