
The BTC Academy was set up early 2015 and officially opened in January 2016 as an additional programme that allowed players across the region who regarded tennis as their first sport to recieve additional training alongside their club programmes and the district training.  

The Academy is delivered by a small team of three level 3 coaches who operate out of BTC and are responsible for designed and delivering the programme.  Each player recieves a minimum of one individual a week with one of the coaches and also access to a group session, with there being scope to increase individual time if the player chooses.

Currently, the programme only has 17 players which is deliberately intended to be small so that the coaching team can meet the individual needs of each player.  Players work with the coaches to establish their long and short term goals and likewise, players are responsible for monitoring their progress alongside their coach.  

Academy players are expected to commit to tournaments on a regular basis and these are worked out and agreed upon between player, parents and coaches.

All players train outwith the Academy within their clubs and other programmes and so the Academy team look to openly engage with other coaches that are involved with the player in order to achieve a joined up approach that works to the benefit of the player.