Social Media Policy
WhatsApp Etiquette & Use Guidelines
Social Media Policy
Bowdon LTC understand the importance of new technology for children and young people’s development. However we recognise that relevant safeguards need to be put in place to ensure children and young people remain safe whilst online or using social media.
We ask that all parents / carers spend a few minutes to read through and discuss this statement with their child/children.
- I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the internet and social media, including the content I access and how I conduct myself.
- I will not deliberately create, browse or access material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material, I will report this to a member of the BLTC coaching team or Club committee member.
- I will not use social media or the internet to send anyone material that could be considered threatening, offensive, upsetting, bullying or illegal.
- I understand that all my use of internet and social media is potentially visible to everyone in the online world and that any issues involving my behaviour may be addressed by BLTC
- I will not give out any of my personal information such as name, age, address or telephone number online.
- I will not share my passwords with anyone else.
- I will not arrange to meet someone that I have met online.
- I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and if they are not followed my parents/carers may be contacted.
- I will avoid using my mobile or smartphone during activities as I understand that it will have an impact on my safety and my opportunity to learn and achieve.
- I am aware that if I am experiencing bullying behaviour or abuse online, I can contact the BLTC Welfare Officer Joy Bamford 07920525610
- I know I can also contact Childline on 0800 11 11 if I have any worries about something I’ve seen or experienced online.