James Turner Head Coach

James TurnerLTA Level 5 Master Performance Coach

Playing career highlights

Former British number 5 in singles and number 3 in doubles.
Played Wimbledon singles twice 1989 and 1990, and played doubles 1986, 89, 90 and 91 and in 1990 reached the third round.
Beat world No 23 at the Stella Artois Tournament at Queens on Centre Court Highest world ranking singles 228 & doubles 210.
Member of the British Davis Cup squad in 1990.
National Over 45s Grass Court Singles Champion 2010 and 2014.
National Over 50s Grass court Champion Singles and Doubles 2015
Represented Great Britain in the World Over 45s. Team Championships playing number one 2011, 2012 & 2013 and World Over 50s 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Coaching career highlights

Employed by the LTA for 12 years as National Coach.
U18 National team captain for 5 years
Coached and developed world number 1 junior singles player and world number 1 & 2 doubles players, winning Wimbledon, and Australian Open Players coached have won 16 National Junior Titles and 2 Senior Titles Worked with 2 players who have represented GB in the Davis Cup.

  • 2024  winner of Head Coach Recognition Award
  • 2021 North regional, Development of the year, highly commended.
  • 2020 Winner Cheshire Development Coach of the year
  • 2017 Runner up Cheshire Development coach of the Year
  • 2015 & 2016 Runner up Cheshire Performance Coach of the Year
  • 2013 & 2014 awarded Cheshire Performance Coach of the Year
  • 2011-22 Coached 19 Cheshire County Champions and a player who has represented Great Britain

Contact Details:

Mobile: 0791 627 4652
Email: jimmyturner1@btinternet.com

Cost: £35 an hour.