
We are pleased to announce that we have started to host LTA sanctioned Grade 4 and 5 Tournaments!


We hosted our first Grade 5 tournament on September 2nd 2023 which  was a resounding success with some excellent tennis on show and a number of keen suppporters to cheer on the players. There was also the added bonus of some tea and cake served through the afternoon.


The second tournament was held on 03 March 2024 which had a great tournout with excellent tennis on display.

The  mens tournament was won by Brentwood's Jake Wyatt, with Gareth Day, also from Brentwood runner up in a close tense third set championship tie break. Brentwoods Andy Cooke was runner up in the consolation draw.

The boys under 14 tournament was won by Jacob Brook.

The girls under 14 tournament was won by Myra Jain.


The next tournament is Sunday 05 May 2024.



We hope to see you at the club soon!