New BPTC Logo!

After several months of consideration, deliberation, blood, sweat and tears we are delighted to unveil the new BPTC logo.

You will start to see our new  'brand' appearing in our signage, communications and social media over the coming months as well as in  local advertising campaigns promoting our club, tennis events and social calendar to drive growth in membership and put our fantastic club on the map - believe it or not there is a whole community of local folk who do not even know we are here!

We are also putting together a carefully selected 'Spring Collection' of BPTC branded tennis clothing and accessories which will be available to buy by members from late May early June 2023.

If you are part of a local business and would be happy to have some of our flyers available to your customers or equally if you would like to advertise your business in one of our fixed all weather posters at the BPTC Clubhouse or become a sponsor please just get in touch with any one of our Committee Members