Join here today...

For details of membership benefits visit our home page.

Rules, Policies and Terms and Conditions

For adult and junior membership terms and conditions please click here.  Tennis Section rules click here. Broughton and District Tennis Section GDPR details click here to be read alongside Broughton and District Club Privacy Policy click here.

N.B. By agreeing to our terms and conditions of membership you are confirming that you (and/or your child) are fit to play tennis and not playing against the advice of GP or Hospital Doctor.

Add ons...

Join Bridge, Drama, Petanque and Snooker at no extra cost.  Join Bowling and Badminton for an extra £10 each section. If you wish to add on other memberships simply email us at with details of which sections you would like to add on once you have purchased your tennis membership. 

For Padel memberships please go to our Padel section website 

Guest Fees 

Members may invite a guest to use the facilities up to 6 times for a £5 fee each time they play. This money can be transferred directly to the tennis bank account or you can pay by credit card when you book a court. Book  a court for an hour and add the guest as a participant. Clubspark will recognise that they are a non member and request the £5 guest fee. If you wish to play with your guest for longer than one hour, simply book out a second or third hour but do not include them in the participant area or you will be charged an extra £5. Click here to watch a short video on court bookings and paying for a guest. 

(BTM preferred but not necessary and can be left blank.)



2025 Under 5's

01/01/2025- 31/12/2025

Entitles U5's to use the facilities including reduced coaching fees. Parents/Guardians register yourself with clubspark first and then input the junior's details. Membership run until 31st Dec 2023.

Eligibility: Children aged 4years or under on 1st January 2025.

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Adult Tennis & Social Membership

12 months membership

This membership runs from the date of purchase for 12months. All members in this package can use the facilities all year round & qualify for reduced coaching fees.

Eligibility: Age 18 +

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Chaperone Tennis & Social Membership

12 months membership

Adult membership which allows the adult to play tennis with their child only. This membership runs from the date of purchase for 12months.

Eligibility: Adult 18+ must also have junior or mini member living at the same address.

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Family Tennis Membership for New Members

12 months membership

1 full adult membership & up to 4 children. All members in this package can use the facilities all year round & qualify for reduced coaching fees. This membership runs from the date of purchase for 12months.

Eligibility: Adult must be 18+ and all juniors must live at the same address as the adult.

Up to 5 members

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Intermediate Tennis & Social Membership

12 months membership

This young persons membership allows members to use the facilities all year round & qualify for reduced coaching fees, it runs from the date of purchase for 12months.

Eligibility: 18 - 25 year olds

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Junior Tennis Membership

12 months membership

Members can use the facilities all year round & qualify for reduced junior coaching fees. The membership runs from the date of purchase for 12months. (Parents/Guardians register yourself with Clubspark first before inputting the junior's details.)

Eligibility: In Year 7 or above on the date of purchase.

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Mini Tennis Membership

12 months membership

Members in this package can use the facilities all year round & qualify for reduced junior coaching fees. The membership runs from the date of purchase for 12months. (Parents/Guardians register yourself with Clubspark first before inputting junior.)

Eligibility: Y6 or below on date of purchase

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