
Juniors have lots of opportunities to play tennis at BTA. Junior coaching and development sessions cater for a wide range of ages and playing abilities, from beginner right through to county training and performance squad. Junior teams play matches against other clubs. Junior club championships take place every year during summer (April – July).

BTA is an accredited Mini Tennis centre. Mini Tennis at Burnham takes place on Friday evenings from 16.00 – 18.00h. Red, Orange and Green level Mini Tennis tournaments are hosted regularly at BTA.

Junior Coaching at BTA is under the direction of Nigel MannNigel Mann - Head Coach: 1 The Grove, Parkfield, Latimer, Bucks,
HP5 1UE,  nigel.mann@ndmtennis.co.uk  01494 766464 or 07941 094274. 

The Junior Organiser at BTA is Sue Gray. Sue recently achieved her UKCC Level 2 coaching qualification. She has co-ordinated junior activities at BTA for many years, in particular Saturday morning coaching, Junior Club Night, Mini Tennis sessions and special events.

BTA recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of its junior members and adheres to the LTA Safeguarding Policy. The Safeguarding Officer at BTA is Phil Taylor.  He can be contacted  by e-mail at  phil.taylor741957@gmail.com or telephone 07719 061785

Tennis at Burnham should be fun for all, and it generally is! But to achieve this, we ask all playing and non-playing members, also parents/guardians of junior members, to observe the relevant Codes of Practice  as well as the other guidance given by our Safeguarding Policies.