Shiplake C of E

We are delighted that we will continue running an after school club every Friday linked to the fabulous local school Shiplake C of E. We all think it is important to build good local links within in the community of Shiplake so are delighted to create and strengthen this relationship.
We will be running an After School Tennis Coaching Session for Reception through to Year Six on a Friday 4pm-5pm. Chris and the team will pick the pupils up from the school at the end of the day (3.30pm) and walk pupils the short journey to the Shiplake tennis courts at Memorial Avenue, RG9 4DN. Children can have a snack and play before the tennis officially starts at 4pm. Parents will then pick up at 5pm.
The session will be spread out across all courts, with pupils split into different groups based on age and ability.
Cost per session is £8 for members of Shiplake TC and £10 per session for non members.
12 Week Term - Member - £96 -- Non Member - £120
How to join and see all benefits please click this link Shiplake TC - Junior Membership
- Reception to Year Four - Friday 4pm-5pm
- Please contact Chris on or 07769934382
- Will add you to the mailing group for further updates and payment links
Term Dates -
12 Weeks - 10/17/24/31 Jan -- 7/14/28 Feb -- 7/14/21/28 March -- 4 April
Please note - NO TENNIS due to Half Term - 21st February
We do know everyone is busy and may have various activites on so if a Friday doesn't work please let us know as we have alternative options to play or take a look at our Online Booking Page. You can join a coaching session at any point during the season.
Any questions or enquires please contact: